There was some off roading racing going on this weekend at the Speedway. Thursday night they all had their trucks down on Freemont though to look at and were doing signings and stuff, so we all went down to that. Some people down there on Freemont street scare me, I tell ya. lol I was going to go to the races with my sister and her husband but ended up not going. A lot of people went to these particular races because Jesse James, who is married to Sandra Bullock was racing and they wanted to try to see her. So they were pretty sold out.'s a pic from Thursday. I have dreams of owning a black trick one day. Well, that and a nice fast car too haha.

This week was filled with tons of scrapbooking! On Wednesday we had the monthly scrapbooking get together for our ward at our house as usual. Then since we had all of the scrapbooking stuff all over the house we scrapbooked the rest of the weekend too. I need to get started on making a mini album for my friend who's having a baby.She lives in Utah so I'll have to get it sent to her soon. I made lots of cards this weekend also. Really simple and fast, but I just wanted to send some fun mail to people. I love getting random fun mail, so I try to send cards or something to a few people every so often.

I saw Hairspray on Friday night. It was good, nothing can ever replace Grease though! One of my all time favorites. I still remember watching it almost every day at my grandma's when we were little and imitating all of the dances and singing. Fun memories. Last night we watched both of the Bourne movies 'til 2 in the morning. Getting ready for the third one, The Bourne Ultamatim that comes out in a couple weeks.
Oh, one last thing. Of course, being the baker that I am lol...I decided I wanted to try to make a cake using fondant instead of regular frosting. That stuff is harder to work with then it looks! I would have never guessed. The bow did not turn out so great. But for a first try it works.
You are brave to try the fondant! It looks daunting. (ever watched Ace of Cakes on FoodTV?) I'm jealous you scrapped. I haven't in FIVE YEARS! yeah, I'm behind to the point I don't even try.
Wow! That cake is awesome! Cute cards and I love the Bourne movies too.
That cake is so beautiful! I can't even ice a regular cake. I'm SO not the baker. And, those movies do ROCK!
I saw that off road racing on the news. My boys would have loved that. And that cake looks awesome. I wouldn't even know how to do that.
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