July 25, 2007
quick post
So today I went to West Elm with my sister. So then of course I had to come home and do some online browsing on other sites. There's too many things I want. Like this:
These are just a couple pictures from the afternoon.

July 24, 2007
my 4's
4 jobs I've had
1. bath & body works
2. watching sister's kids all day
3. currently needing job haha
4. that's all...
4 Movies I can watch over and over
1. Miss Congeniality
2. A Walk to Remember
3. Grease
4. Pearl Harbor
4 Places I've lived
1. Las Vegas
2. Las Vegas
3. Las Vegas
4. Las Vegas
4 TV Shows I enjoy
1. Anything on Discovery Health
2. So You Think You Can Dance
3. America's Next Top Model
4. Ellen Show
4 Places I've been on Vacation
1. Washington DC
2. Cali
3. Nauvoo/Missouri
4. Wyoming
4 Favorite Restaurants
1. Cheesecake Factory
2. Macayos
3. Black Angus
4. Metro Pizza
4 Websites I visit Daily
1. blogs
2. email
3. myspace
4. during school- unlv email
4 places I'd rather by right now
1. at the beach in Cali
2. travelling the world i.e. Italy, France, Japan, Hawaii, etc
3. at lunch at one of those restaurants above with some good company
4. on a fun roadtrip
4 People that I think will do this......
1. Kathy
2. I think the rest of the few people that read my blog have aleady done it
3. But if you haven't, then it's your turn!
4. ready, set go!
1. bath & body works
2. watching sister's kids all day
3. currently needing job haha
4. that's all...
4 Movies I can watch over and over
1. Miss Congeniality
2. A Walk to Remember
3. Grease
4. Pearl Harbor
4 Places I've lived
1. Las Vegas
2. Las Vegas
3. Las Vegas
4. Las Vegas
4 TV Shows I enjoy
1. Anything on Discovery Health
2. So You Think You Can Dance
3. America's Next Top Model
4. Ellen Show
4 Places I've been on Vacation
1. Washington DC
2. Cali
3. Nauvoo/Missouri
4. Wyoming
4 Favorite Restaurants
1. Cheesecake Factory
2. Macayos
3. Black Angus
4. Metro Pizza
4 Websites I visit Daily
1. blogs
2. email
3. myspace
4. during school- unlv email
4 places I'd rather by right now
1. at the beach in Cali
2. travelling the world i.e. Italy, France, Japan, Hawaii, etc
3. at lunch at one of those restaurants above with some good company
4. on a fun roadtrip
4 People that I think will do this......
1. Kathy
2. I think the rest of the few people that read my blog have aleady done it
3. But if you haven't, then it's your turn!
4. ready, set go!
July 22, 2007
what I've been up to
There was some off roading racing going on this weekend at the Speedway. Thursday night they all had their trucks down on Freemont though to look at and were doing signings and stuff, so we all went down to that. Some people down there on Freemont street scare me, I tell ya. lol I was going to go to the races with my sister and her husband but ended up not going. A lot of people went to these particular races because Jesse James, who is married to Sandra Bullock was racing and they wanted to try to see her. So they were pretty sold out. Anyway...here's a pic from Thursday. I have dreams of owning a black trick one day. Well, that and a nice fast car too haha.
This week was filled with tons of scrapbooking! On Wednesday we had the monthly scrapbooking get together for our ward at our house as usual. Then since we had all of the scrapbooking stuff all over the house we scrapbooked the rest of the weekend too. I need to get started on making a mini album for my friend who's having a baby.She lives in Utah so I'll have to get it sent to her soon. I made lots of cards this weekend also. Really simple and fast, but I just wanted to send some fun mail to people. I love getting random fun mail, so I try to send cards or something to a few people every so often.
I saw Hairspray on Friday night. It was good, nothing can ever replace Grease though! One of my all time favorites. I still remember watching it almost every day at my grandma's when we were little and imitating all of the dances and singing. Fun memories. Last night we watched both of the Bourne movies 'til 2 in the morning. Getting ready for the third one, The Bourne Ultamatim that comes out in a couple weeks.
Oh, one last thing. Of course, being the baker that I am lol...I decided I wanted to try to make a cake using fondant instead of regular frosting. That stuff is harder to work with then it looks! I would have never guessed. The bow did not turn out so great. But for a first try it works.

Oh, one last thing. Of course, being the baker that I am lol...I decided I wanted to try to make a cake using fondant instead of regular frosting. That stuff is harder to work with then it looks! I would have never guessed. The bow did not turn out so great. But for a first try it works.

July 21, 2007
a little self reflecting.

What's got me bummed the most is that I'm jsut in need of a good laugh with a friend. Losing a best friend is hard. Being super close to someone than having them lie and not care and say hurtful things is never fun. Wish things could be different, however I'm trying to look on the bright side and tell myself what happens happens for a reason. I've never been close with anyone else though and don't really talk to anyone. So I just need to get out more.
That is enough gloomy thoughts for now.
July 19, 2007
what a little nut
During the day this is what my life consists of.....
Tabitha the actress. Scene of the day: man crashing on his bike. First we get the face during his crash here. Next she proceeded to pull down her eyes with her fingers which was his hurt face. I'll skip putting that one on because it's kind of gross looking with her eyes yeah...lol Seconds later she was on the ground "dead" and I had to call the abulance. She's definitely not lacking an imagination haha!
OH, and here is her "boyfriend"---He's one of those stuffed pouting dolls that my mom has but she calls him her boyfriend and carries him around the house with her. He;s falling apart now.
Here she is dancing with her man. Notice all of his stuffing flying out. But it's too funny to watch her dance with him. She told me she learned her dancing steps from the people on So You Think You Can Dance. During America's Next Top Model that she watches, we get to see the model poses and strut she learns from them too. These pictures I caught yesterday are really terrible because She makes me sit on the couch while she runs on stage to watch her and if I move from my seat to try to capture a better shot she yells at me and won'tlet me take a picture. So I had to improvise and get all of the scrapbook junk that's on the tables too.
and one last shot... this is her in my room. She brought in all the stuffed animals and layed them out at their party. And all of my shoes are piling out of the closet because she tried most of them on. When she had the green ones on she did her new little Yoda voice for me. It's the funniest thing, she sounds just like him.

Alright, so I think that's enough silly Tabitha moments for the day!
Tabitha the actress. Scene of the day: man crashing on his bike. First we get the face during his crash here. Next she proceeded to pull down her eyes with her fingers which was his hurt face. I'll skip putting that one on because it's kind of gross looking with her eyes yeah...lol Seconds later she was on the ground "dead" and I had to call the abulance. She's definitely not lacking an imagination haha!

Alright, so I think that's enough silly Tabitha moments for the day!
July 15, 2007
Another week gone by...
So, nothing too exciting happened this week. I went to the cannery with my mom earlier in the week to help fill the orders from our ward.I bet I looked cute in that hairnet haha! Last night my uncle and his family were here from Utah. So we went to dnner with them at Macayos and then to the Bellagio to watch the fountains. I could probably sit there all night, I love them! Can I just say though, tourists and taxis on the strip get on my nerves. Today, Tabitha helped me make these cupcakes. Ske's my little helper in the kitchen. She likes to flex her muscles for me and say that she's strong enough to help stir. She also requested I take a picture of them so here they are haha.
..then I also finished up sweing the curtains for my sister's bedroom. She picked everything out for them and I just had to sew it all together. So here they are in her room after we went and hung them there this evening.
and just a picture of the fountains. Because being the photo obsessed type I am of course I had to pull out my camera there.

and now I currently sit watching Catch and Release and am about to enjoy a nice bowl of ice cream. YUM. my kind of way to end the week.

and now I currently sit watching Catch and Release and am about to enjoy a nice bowl of ice cream. YUM. my kind of way to end the week.
Ok I finally uploaded some pics from the 4th

I know it was a hwile ago now, but oh well.
July 11, 2007
Pictures from the park.

Now I'm sitting here waiting for So You Think You Can Dance to be on tonight. haha. I need a life, yes.
Lots on my mind, but no time to write more now. So, I leave pictures.
July 9, 2007
just a cute picture
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