alright, so I have been completely slacking on updating anything on here lately. I read everyone else's pages but, I never think anyone reads my blog so I just forget to put anything up. I have mainly just beendong lots of school sine it started again. Now it's halfway throught the semester. I'm doing much better than last year. Well, it's pretty easy to do seeing as how last year I stopped going and failed out of my classes. This year I told myself I had to be into it though so I actually make it to my classes and have been getting A's on everything. Other than that I've just been haning out and doing the usual. I ordered a new truck a couple weeks ago. I had been looking around and waiting for about a month and they never got a black one in like I wanted so I finally just ordered one. Should be here in a few weeks. I'm excited but I'll miss my little neon.
I need to get a job like pronto though to make the payments. Of course, I've been trying to geta decent job for like a year or more now though. I'm having terrible luck.
In good news though, wedding fever seems to be in the air lately. A lot of my friends from high school have gotten married this year. It's kind of strange actually. So, here are a few pictures from my friend Kelli's wedding that was a few weeks back and then from last night's wedding of my cousin Nick.

I always read your blog girl! I have been waiting for an update. Looks like the weddings were fun!
I second Jen
I read your blog and have been wondering where you were.
Thanks for updating.
See, I told you people were waiting for a new post. Good to hear from you. I'm glad school is going good this time!
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