I could just eat her up. She will be 8 months in a week. Still has no teeth but a couple weeks ago she finally started to crawl. now she thinks she's big and bad. Yesterday night we caught her standing up in the middle of the floor only holding onto a wagon handle. Love ehr to pieces though. Her big sister has her birthday this saturday. It will be a busy day. I have a baby shower to go to that day, then Tabitha's party, and a wedding later that night. I got the designated job of making Tabitha's cake. I'm instructed that it must be pink all over and be my little ponies. I can't believe she is already turning four. Anywho, this is a icture of little Maddy Moo from last Sunday.

I mentioned that I have a baby shower this weekend too. So the past couple days I have been working on a couple baby blankets for my friend Ashley. This one below is sewn together but needs to be cut for the frayed edges still.

Oh, this was a remnant that was on sale so I had to get it. I love it but I don't know what I'm going to do with it yet.

So, this is pretty much all I've been up to lately. Well, this and school of course. Classes started last week. My classes are good besides the math one. But, hopefully I'll get through it since I need it for a class I need next semester. I spend atleast a few hours doing my homework each night for that one. For the most part the rest are easy so far though because they are the exact same things I took last year. Atleast I am being more motivated and going this time around!
cute blanket! love the skull material.
I think I saw you at Joanns! On Thursday night.....was it you?
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